The Royal Seat of Akanishtha

Namo Samantabhadra-ye:
Timelessly present, unchanging, indestructible–
The ever-present spacious expanse of freedom,
A great equanimity free of limits or bias–
Is the unsurpassable dimension of enlightenment, Akanishtha,
The ground of the marvelous primordial state.
In that spacious expanse there is a royal seat that awaits you,
Your legacy, your birthright, your own natural state.
As a descendant and heir of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas,
It is incumbent upon you to seize the stronghold of authentic presence.
Assume your royal seat and the power and responsibility that it confers.
I am the unchanging body of timeless awareness,
The eternal lord, Dharmakaya Samantabhadra,
In sensual union with all that appears and exists,
the vast expanse of space- Dharmadhatu Samantabhadri.
Basic space and awareness are inseparable, not-two,
Revealing the majesty and wonder of pure, open presence,
The authentic ground of being.
Enjoy the infinite play of dependent origination,
The unceasing display of emptiness,
In which no-thing arises and yet anything appears.
The inseparability of appearance and emptiness, clarity and emptiness,
Reveals the significance of the union of two truths without complication.
Not establishing anything at all,
One enjoys the effulgence of emptiness in all its variety,
Like a royal king and queen enjoying a feast in their palace,
The ever-present palace of spacious awareness.
The king and queen dance with spontaneous presence in the gardens of sensual enjoyment and ease;
They dance in the charnel grounds, in which the five wisdoms go unrecognized as the five poisons;
They dance with life- open, available, and responsive;
They dance with death- tender, patient, without hesitation or fear.
In the spacious palace of timeless awareness,
Birth, aging, sickness, and death, the good times and the bad,
Naturally unfold in a dramatic play,
The king and queen continually bearing witness with dignified presence and understanding.
This single sphere of awareness, unborn bodhicitta,
Transcends and includes all that appears and exists, whether of samsara or nirvana.
The kayas and wisdoms being inseparable,
It transcends and includes all beings in all their variety, all paths, worldly and transcendent.
With nothing to attain and nothing to accomplish,
One enjoys natural freedom, freedom upon arising,
The timeless freedom in which the significance of doing
Is no longer at odds with the way of being.
Effortlessly fulfilling the aims of oneself and others,
One directly encounters the embracing space of complete virtue,
The natural great perfection.
This Royal Seat of Akanishtha, a sadhana showing the ground, path, and result of Dzogchen, was composed by Gregory Patenaude (Karma Rigpa'i Wangchuk) on the morning of the tenth lunar day of the month, July 29, 2020.
May virtue and innate goodness flourish!